STEAMGAMES.COM 425-889-9642 GB

Learn about the "Steamgames.Com 425 889 9642 Gb " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

Tambien aparecen en cuentas como "STEAMGAMES.COM 425-889-9642 GB"

First seen on January 8, 2014, Last updated on May 19, 2022

¿Que es eso?

This is a charge made to a company called Steam, a leading platform for playing, discussing and creating games. Millions of users around the world can play nearly 30,000 games, get exclusive deals, automatic game updates and other perks. Steamworks is the set of tools and services that help game developers and publishers distribute their games on Steam.

Why this charge may appear on your card

You're likely seeing this charge because you made a payment to Steam. If you didn't make this payment, it's possible someone else did, which may be an early indication of fraud.

What can you do?

If you don't recognize the charge, you can contact your bank or credit card company and dispute the charges and try to recover the money. Your credit card should have a phone number on the back you can call for customer service.

Community Feedback

Me estan desco'tando di'ero de mi tarejta y yo no se sue es eso solo salia stamgamez. Com 425 y me desxontaron 16.52 soles

Me están descontando de la tarjeta 21000 pesos y yo no pedí y no tengo ningún juego

Esta página es un fraude

Si le llega que le estan descontando de su VISA O MASTERCARD, y proviene de STEAMGAMES,ese cargo proviene de una tienda de videojuegoss. Hable con su hijo/a o alguien que puede tener el numero de su tarjeta. Los juegos los cobran en dólares. CUIDADO! Y borre el numero de su tarjeta de la cuenta de STEAM GAME.

¿Puede ayudarme? ¿Que es este cargo?

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