Learn about the "Google *Supercell G.Co/Payhel Gb " charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.

Tambien aparecen en cuentas como "GOOGLE *SUPERCELL GOOGLE.COM/CH CA"

First seen on December 3, 2013, Last updated on March 2, 2025

¿Que es eso?

This is a charge made to a company called Supercell, which is a game company based in Helsinki, Finland, with offices in San Francisco, Seoul and Shanghai. Supercell launched in 2010 and has brought five games to the global market:

  • Hay Day
  • Clash of Clans
  • Boom Beach
  • Clash Royale
  • Brawl Stars.

You can download the games on Google Play, which is why Google is included in the charge.

Why this charge may appear on your card

You're likely seeing this charge because you purchased a game on Supercell. If you didn't make this purchase, it's possible someone else did, which may be an early indication of fraud.

What can you do?

If you don't recognize the charge, you can contact your bank or credit card company and dispute the charges and try to recover the money. Your credit card should have a phone number on the back you can call for customer service.

Community Feedback

acaban de utilizar mi tarjeta, comprando gemas sin mi consentimiento. ni siquiera sabia que existía este juego choto porfa devuelvan la plata :C pago relazado a Google supercell CA y google supercell mountain view CA

¿Puede ayudarme? ¿Que es este cargo?

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  • Nombre de la empresa


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